Saturday, July 15, 2006

Changes..Changes ..Changes....

It has been a while since I have posted, we have been house hunting!! We decided that we would like to buy a home and be settled before we went any farther in the adoption process( not that we have gotten very far!) But our thought was for the children, they have had enough change and insecurity in their lives......we want to be a place of security and stability...and as a renter that is never a given. So we have recently found a home, we are waiting to sign the papers and it is ours!! It has a huge yard and 4 bedrooms, plenty of space for a few more kids!! I am excited to see what the future brings!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Why adopt?

I have always wanted to adopt a child, even when I was just a girl myself. I remember thinking as a young girl " Why do people have so many children when there are so many that need a family?" I understand wanting a child of your own...believe me I do. My plan has always been to have two children of my own and adopt about 4 more , I didn't care what country, or what gender, or even if they were perfect....I just wanted to love a child who has had no one.....I wanted to come in and be their knight in shining armor rescuing them from the dragon.....
But plans rarely go as planned. I have managed to have one beautiful daughter, and after 12 years, lots of miscarriages and a lost baby we are shifting focus to our dream of adopting. I guess I should say "my dream" as my husband has not always been as sure. He had doubts about his ability to take in someone else child and love it like his own...But thankfully situations have came our way that have show him otherwise.

I am starting this "journal" to keep track of my thoughts from the beginning for a couple of reasons. One, I have always wanted to keep a journal for my children so they could have a window to my soul as I go through this process, and two, I hope by putting this out there in the blogsphere.....that maybe it would help inspire someone else to adopt, maybe someone can offer me tips and pointers or maybe I can help someone with what I learn as I start out on this journey.....